Monday, November 22, 2010

Great Expectations

We are expecting a big event some time this week - the delivery of my partner's personal effects from Papua New Guinea! He left at the end of March and after languishing on a dock in Port Moresby they finally began their journey a couple of months later before getting held up again in Australia. They arrived in Ghana on 11th November and now we are just waiting for them to actually leave the port, but it shouldn't be long!
It will be like an early Christmas present unpacking all the boxes and then trying to find somewhere to put the things in our house. We are a bit worried about the state of the items as another person who had their things sent from PNG found that most of their goods were mouldy.
It reminds me of some friends in PNG who had sent out a box from the UK before taking up their posting. It took ages for this box to arrive and when it finally did they decided to hold a Box-Opening Party as they had forgotten what they actually put in the box. Everyone duly arrived and the moment of the opening arrived. They found that they had packed lots of toilet rolls - a commodity that was readily available in Dogura!
I just hope my partners things are not as disappointing!

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