Thursday, May 31, 2012

May blues!

Isn't it funny how bad things always seem to happen in one month in particular? Last year May was not a great month for us as when we both returned to Ghana after a break we found that our househelp had crashed our car! It meant that my husband spent nearly all the month in various workshops getting it back on the road. It also meant we had to sack our househelp and find another.
This proved a headache in itself. The previous guy had lived-in but we decided that we would prefer someone coming in to do the cleaning and another person to do the security and gardening. The girl we employed to clean was OK, but the fact that she travelled in often meant that she was late and to be honest she didn't work as though her heart was in it! The guy who was employed for security and gardening proved a disaster. He was a very well-meaning guy but he was an alcoholic which meant he kept nipping out to get a drink. Also when he fell asleep, which he did regularly, it was impossible to wake him up - a real problem when he was supposed to open the gate to let us in! We finally changed our mind and employed our current guy who now works for us on a live-in basis and has proved very reliable.
This month seemed to going well until a week or so ago. We had a rainstorm which was preceded by a very strong wind. This ripped off the canopy which covers our cars and in doing so damaged one of them. The sides looked like some dememted person had run riot with a sharp implement. It meant my husband had to spend yet another day or two in the repair shop. I suppose the only good thing about it was that the car now looks good and it only cost about US$70! The repair of the canopy was a bit more expensive - around $150. But we have learnt our lesson and will have it checked ever year before the rainy season starts to make sure it doesn't happen again.
Then my husband was driving the car into town and was stopped by the police - the road tax had expired! I suppose there are some advantages in system where a bribe solves problems! For around US$10 he was let off and told go and get it! I was so relieved that it had happened to my husband rather than me as I don't know how I would have coped with the situation.
We now are at the end of May- thank goodness!

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